Molecular Mycology

is the branch of science concerned with detangling fungal relationships and lineages using modern molecular methods

taxonomists have only formally described 3% of the 3 million species of fungi that are estimated to exist

networks of humans are accomplishing the monumental task of assigning names to these unknown organisms

Community Science

Empowering community members to participate in science is catalyzing the rapid advancement of mycology

the active participation of community in science widens the pool of available skills, reinvigorates the field with enthusiasm, and cross-disciplinary cooperation expands the scope and reach of this research

people from diverse backgrounds can make meaningful contributions to science, and by supporting community scientists we work together toward a more informed, connected, and scientifically literate society

small snapshots of DNA called ‘barcodes’ act as fingerprints

species can be parsed by interpreting their unique genetic scripts

unveiling the hidden kingdom

together we will continue on a journey of discovery in under-investigated territories, documenting fungal diversity on the edges of the explorable world, toward unveiling the mysteries of the hidden kingdom that thrives beneath our feet

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